The Nintendo’s presentation really sold me on the Switch, especially with this piece of juicy news.
Xenoblade Chronicles 2.
*mic drops*
You guys are still here? Well, really, not much more is known about the game at this point. Not even a release time frame other than 2017, which is just too vague. From what’s shown, the narrative seems to be back towards what Chronicles was and not Chronicles X but shares no relation to either of them as official sources say this at least about the game, “A new hero will seek out Elysium on an immense journey through a brand-new world.”
The stills above and the trailer below show off this brand new world and some of the characters present in it. The theme of giants is seemingly back, showing a large whale flying by a floating tree in the far off distance and the series’ open world seem to remain part of the concept.
This is a game I am personally excited about and will bring our readers news on this title every occasion I have, but for now, I’ll shut up and let you share my excitement with the trailer.