The first season of The Legend of Vox Machina started as a Kickstarter back project in 2019, originally set to be an animated special asking for $750,000 for a...
The first episode of Cartoon Network’s new Mega Man cartoon, called Mega Man: Fully Charged, is set to premiere on August 5th. The project was announced last year at...
According to Japan’s Weekly Famitsu Magazine, PS4 owners will get to have all of Kazuma Kiryu’s adventures will be getting a Kiwami makeover with Yakuza 3 this August and...
The second trailer for SNK’s 3D anime of King of Fighters has been released, and it solidifies that King of Fighters Destiny will focus on the original storyline of...
A Steam Page for the upcoming King of Fighters CG Anime titled King of Fighters Destiny had several new details about the series including a new trailer to give...
Follow @BrenW23 I talked to actor Bryan McClure about the YouTube series “Strings” as well as some of his other upcoming projects. You can check out “Strings” right here...