Dragon Age is getting a new animated series which will be coming to Netflix next month called Dragon Age: Absolution. According to Netflix, the show will focus on a...
The first season of The Legend of Vox Machina started as a Kickstarter back project in 2019, originally set to be an animated special asking for $750,000 for a...
The fantastical adventures of dead-beat bass player Scott Pilgrim will be coming back to screens, this time thanks to Netflix and UCP, a division of Universal Studio Group that...
While there is a live-action Mortal Kombat underway which is planned for a March 5th, 2021 release, we’ll be seeing another motion picture take on the bloody franchise by...
The first episode of Cartoon Network’s new Mega Man cartoon, called Mega Man: Fully Charged, is set to premiere on August 5th. The project was announced last year at...
While it seems like we won’t be getting a new Castlevania that isn’t a Pachinko machine anytime soon, we can at least look forward to a new Animated series...
Follow @BrenW23 Disney has had a long troubling history over the years when it comes to race and sexuality in their films. With examples like Aladdin (where a line...
When it comes down to the upcoming Netflix Original series and the first film/TV media to be overseen by Activision Blizzard Studios, Skylanders Academy, I don’t think about if...
Follow @BrenW23 Animated films have been on a major roll this year. Even lesser films like The Angry Birds Movie (where I was expecting nothing) were fun little offerings...
Follow @BrenW23 I have seen a lot of bad movies. I have seen movies based on songs, movies based on videogames and even movies based on board games. I...
Megaman, also known as Rockman in Japan, and “The Blue Bomber” as a nickname; has been announced by Capcom to have a new cartoon series out by next year....
Follow @BrenW23 Abhorrent. Wretched. Awful. Boring. Stupid. These are all words that were racing through my head while watching this steaming pile of dung. Here’s the thing, folks. With...
Follow @BrenW23 The last animated movie that I found to be absolutely fantastic and nearly perfect would have to be Inside Out, which is no surprise because it was...
Microsoft and 343 Industries will have a special tie-in animated series for the upcoming Halo 5 game focusing on the Spartan-II project and the first Covenant attacks. Serving as...
It’s Batman’s 75th anniversary this year, and while we patiently wait for more information on Rocksteady’s Batman: Arkham Knight, DC has some big plans for “The World’s Greatest Detective.”...