Marvelous entertainment announced that they will be launching a new mixed media project called Valkyrie Drive at the AnimeJapan expo in Tokyo. The project will feature an anime series, console title, and mobile game created by Senran Kagura creator Kenichiro Takaki.
So what is this series about? I’m glad you asked! It is about lesbian school girls who turn into weapons by kissing each other.
Seriously, here is the trailer. (Warning: NSFW)
Takaki has been reported to be producing he console version of the game titled Valkyrie Drive: Bhikkhuni, he’ll be joined by the team at Meteorise, the studio behind Senran Kagura Bon Appétit. Meanwhile, a free-to-play mobile game titled Valkyrie Drive: Siren, will tie-in to both the upcoming anime and game.
So the game definitely has appeal for fans of Ecchi animes, but we’ll probably hold off judgement till we see how the game actually plays, after all we tend to enjoy weird games from Japan from time to time and will likely play anything if we can get our hands on it. Although currently Marvelous has yet to announce a Western release for Valkyrie Drive.