Moss Destruction is a twin stick shooter developed by Shotgun with Glitters.
It has rogue-lite levels with a plethora of enemies. Staying longer on levels activates harder enemies with the possibility of better loot and more ammo. A leveling up system allows you random abilities from health regeneration to improved armours. Once you have the ability to purchase tech add-ons in the secret market, you are able to customize your mech’s load out.

Play is simple as you would expect from a twin stick shooter. You have different types of weapons; explosive, ballistic, energy, and flame. Weapon variety is lacking. Most types of weapons are repeated in the different categories. If you run out of ammo for your weapons, you do have a melee option. Unfortunately, melee is slow and when trying to combo from melee to shooting, the controls are unresponsive. You must wait till the melee animation is done in order to fire. I do find the controls to be a bit sluggish overall.

There is two play modes in the game currently; regular play and endless play. To unlock endless, you must first beat regular play. During regular play, you collect Krysol, which is a special currency to unlock characters and add-ons. There are three characters in the game. You start with the medium build. Decent life and speed. The others are light build and heavy build. Light build has low life, but high movement. Whereas the heavy has high life and very low-speed. My play-through was done with the light build. I found the speed to be very helpful in dodging enemy attacks.

Tech upgrades, once bought, can offer you many passive and active abilities. These can make a large difference when playing through the game. Passives allow you to have better starting blaster to a better and faster melee. Actives can offer you a shield or in the picture above, a nuclear blast centered on you. During play, you can find items that benefit you or hinder you. Benefits include; health increase, energy ammo regen, and double damage to name a few. Hindrances; reversed controls, screen blur, and inventory slot loss are a small selection.

There are three bosses of the game, and once the third is beaten, you unlock endless play. Quite frankly, once you have found your favourite weapons, the bosses are a breeze.
As you play, you gain experience and level up. You are able to level up only twice per stage. You can choose one mech-tech per level gained. There are many to choose from, and some choices offer improvements if chosen twice. After so many level ups, there were no more choices to be had, just the same thing over and over.

Overall, the game does have a few issues but is enjoyable. During my time, I encountered a few game breaking bugs. The worst of which was having the exit spawn inside the wall of the level. These did not happen often and were quite infrequent. An average game.
Moss Destruction
Moss Destruction
This review of Moss Destruction is based on the PC version provided by the developer.