Picking up steam from January’s great Playstation Plus update, February is bringing some great games our way. Joining the instant game collection, the PS4 will be getting the horrifiying Outlast; our Survival Horror game of the year winner, which puts you in the shoes of an investigative journalist armed with a night-vision camera as he attempts to find the secrets in the completely un-abandoned Mount Massive Asylum.
For the PS3 will be getting one of our other nominees for horror game of the year, Metro: Last Light, a claustrophobic shooter set in Post-Apocalyptic Russia. Capcom’s latest new IP, Remember Me, a hard to forget action adventure game about scrambling memories and fighting an evil corporation, in our review we described it as if you were playing a Luc Besson Movie. Finally we have the multiplayer heist game from Overkill Studios, Payday 2, which expands on the series using it’s new Crime.net system and RPG elements.
Finally, Capcom and Namco’s cross-over fighter Street Fighter X Tekken along with the cutesy kart racer Modnation Racers: Road Trip will be coming to the PSVita for the low low price of free.