Far: Lone Sails is a stark atmospheric game. Puzzles and a bit of inventory management thrown in with an outstanding art style make this game unforgettable.
While the game itself is nothing groundbreaking, pushing a button and keeping the engine fueled, the atmosphere is what really makes this game stand out. The atmosphere combines amazing art with beautiful music.
From the first scene at a memorial, the game shows you a stark landscape amazingly drawn. You travel through your home getting a feel for the controls and learning a bit about the mechanics of the game.

Your objective in the game is to go right. Keep going right. You and your Okomotive need to travel across a barren landscape with the remnants of civilization impeding your progress. The puzzles are entertaining, but simple. Most of the time you will be ensuring there is enough fuel to keep your machine moving forward. Not too long into the game, you will get sails and progress gets much easier from there.

The game is amazing. A thorough joy to play. That being said, one play-through was enough. I found on the second play-through, I was bored. I had seen the wonders before and this time, the ceased to be wonders. They were still pretty, but not in the new, shiny first time seeing way. There were still achievements to be gotten, but I just could not get the same joy as before.
As you progress, you gain more attachments for your Okomotive. An item collector, welder, and sails to name the early ones. These all help you travel to your final destination.

The music complements the art to make the atmosphere more engrossing. From lightness when traveling along without a care to dark and stormy during the tornado. It all works together to envelope you in the game. Amazingly done.
The game is very enjoyable and a wonderful experience.
Far: Lone Sails
This review of Far: Lone Sails is based on the PC version provided by the developer.