The body of the previous post is not even cold yet and all of a sudden the new list of characters for Ultimate Marvel Vs Capcom has been leaked to the internet.
Now with this I’m filing under rumor control but there may be some truth to it. So here is the list that got leaked.
For Capcom we have:
* Strider (Strider)
* Firebrand (Ghost and Goblins)
* Vergil (Devil May Cry 3)
* Frank West (DeadRising)
* Phoenix Wright (Ace Attorney)
* Nemesis (Resident Evil 3)
and for the New Marvel Fighters we have:
* Ghost Rider
* Dr Strange
* Nova
* Rocket Raccoon
* Hawkeye
* Iron Fist
There you have it folks, a decent new list of characters. With an exception that there’s no Howard the Duck. That’s probably for the better though.