While still hyped for the upcoming (at the time of filming) No More Heroes 3, Lucas and Pentavus grabbed the Switch and started diving into the insane mind of Suda51 with his prequel title, Travis Strikes Again – No More Heroes.
Featuring terrible voice acting from our two hosts, frantic hack’n’slash gameplay, questionable co-op tactics, and developing a hate for doughnuts.
Check out our full Let’s Play in the playlist above and be sure to check out our Youtube Channel for more Let’s Plays.
The once switch exclusive No More Heroes spin-off - Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes - is making the jump to PS4 and PC according to developer Grasshopper Manufacture. Travis Strikes Again launched in January and reunites players with Assassin Otaku Travis Touchdown, who is in after the events of…
https://youtu.be/Ch_2MBzfmXY Nintendo had a lot of cool titles to show off during their Indie Showcase today, however one of the biggest was the latest title from Suda51 and Grasshopper Manufacture which returns a beloved assassin back to the Nintendo console. That's right - Travis Touchdown is back in a Switch…
In a recent interview with GNN, No More Heroes creator Suda51 has said that No More Heroes 3 might not be Travis' last fight as fans might have the power to bring Travis back for a future Suda51 title. In the interview, Suda51 stated that "[No More Heroes 3] is…