I will say, writing about a game that is only coming out in Japan at this time completely has an ulterior motive. Mainly that I really want to see...
Sega announced earlier this morning that Aliens Colonial Marines has been pushed back once again to a February 12th 2013 release date. Originally the game was set to...
A crossover game staring Capcom isn’t unusual, but why crossover with one company when you can go with two and make a RPG with all your characters. Well that’s...
If you own Sonic The Hedgehog 4: Episode 1 and are looking forward to Episode 2, Sega wants to give you some extra content. Similar to the “Lock On”...
We already know to expect the upcoming Gearbox and Sega title Aliens: Colonial Marines to burst out of the Wii U soon as the game was shown on Nintendo’s...
Our favorite stripper witch may not be getting the sequel that she deserves, but Bayonetta will join the cast of Sega and Platinum Games’ Anarchy Reigns, Famitsu has the...
When most people think Jet Set Radio, the first thing that comes to most people’s head is a the music. Losing the eclectic mix of original and licensed music...
For most Marvel fans, this news will come as a blessing as Marvel’s VP of games production TQ Jefferson told Hollywood Reporter that “There are no current plans for...
February was a month of sleeper hits. With the exception of Darkness 2 and Twisted Metal, there were tons of games that were amazing that didn’t receive allot of...
If any of you are like me and missing some of Sega’s classic Dreamcast serie, this tease released by Sega should be enough to get you pumped and hyped....
I have to say, February is a good time to be a PSPlus user as several free games are being dropped into our hard drives, including one great beat’em...
Gamekyo has discovered an image of what appears to be a collector’s edition of Aliens: Colonial Marines. Sega is so far denying the existance so far, but based on...
The first Aliens: Infestation trailer does a pretty good job of setting a scary, isolated tone that’s appropriate for the license. That tone is married with a sort of...
There are a couple franchises that I really enjoy, one being Aliens, the other being Contra, (which if you look back at some of the Aliens you kill on...
Sega posted some new information about the upcoming 3D, HD House of the Dead: Overkill port. The changes go beyond the graphics — there’s actually a list of alterations...