If you have Playstation Plus and a decent amount of hard drive space, you may be happy to know that Sony is delivering the goods this month for the Premium service.
The Early Christmas gifts are some interesting titles, such as Tomb Raider: Underworld, the perfect title to get you hyped for next years reboot, for Free! Not good enough, well how about all three Legend of Spyro under the PSone Classics, Also Free! If your a Comic Book fan and a pinball wizard, then you’ll be happy to know that Marvel Pinball will also be Free, a game that I highly recommend, and if you like it so much, you can also puchase the DLC Fantastic Four Table and Captain America Table for half off!
Underworld and the Spryo titles will be released tomorrow (December 6th) and the Marvel Pinball game and add-ons will come next week (December 13th.)