Set to be officially revealed at the Tokyo Game Show, Capcom has released a teaser trailer for a game called Project Resistance – a new Resident Evil Spin-off that look similar to the fan-favourite PS2 title, Resident Evil Outbreak.
The game is set to be a 4-player online cooperative game in which players will be able to use a variety of weapons including melee weapons to take on the worst that Raccoon City has to throw at the survivors. According to the game’s teaser trailer, this includes Zombies, Lickers and a remote controlled robot man that looks a lot like Resident Evil 2’s Mr. X.
The teaser also leaves us with a few questions, but one theory involves the mysterious man who is controlling Mr.X, which gives us an asymmetrical multiplayer vibe. We’ll be keeping our eyes out for this one as the Tokyo Game show starts this week.
What are your theories about Project REsistance? Let us know in the comments.