If you’re a fan of old-school Konami games, the name Koji Igarashi should sound familiar to you as he was the producer of a dozen of Castlevania games including the widely praised Symphony of the Night. Yesterday, Igarashi took to Kickstarter to fun his next game, Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night, a 2.5D action adventure game that follows the Metroid-Vania gameplay that Igarashi help make popular.
Within the first few hours (some sources citing between 4 and 6 hours) of the campaign’s life, the game was already funded and was close to beating it’s first few stretch goals. It has now been over 24 hours and at the time of this writing, the game has earned $1,530,034 in funding with 31 days left.
Bloodstained follows the likes of Yooka-Laylee and Mighty No. 9, both of which got funded very quickly and were in similar style to the game that made their creators famous. If you’d like to support Bloodstained, you can check out their Kickstarter.