The beloved arcade classic, Ikaruga, has been confirmed for a release on the Nintendo Switch by Nicalis. The classic shoot’em up was originally released by SEGA and developed by Treasure in 2001, later seeing ports on the Dreamcast, GameCube, PC and Xbox 360.
While on the surface, Ikaruga appears to be a simple bullet-hell arcade shoot’em-up, however what separated the game was its Polarity System, a system that allowed players to switch between black and white polarities to absorb enemy hits and deal additional damage as well, which added a surprising large amount of strategy to the game.
The Switch version will have some additional features added, including the ability to choose between horizontal and vertical modes. As the game is naturally a vertically oriented game, and the Switch’s ability to move from TV to handheld, this make for a very important setting to allow players to be comfortable playing the game.
Players will also get 3 difficulty settings, a chapter-select menu and co-op play. The game will launch on May 29th and will be priced at $14.99USD.