For fair warning, this article does contain spoilers for a secret character in the upcoming “Boss Pack” DLC for Hyrule Warriors, the final pack DLC pack for the Zelda inspired Brawler for the Wii U. While on top of adding Ganon to the playable characters with a slew of different challenges, skilled players who gain an A class ranking in Ganon’s third survival mission will gain access to this special character.
So who is the special character? Well it’s a giant Cucco! The chicken characters that have been in nearly every Zelda game will have their revenge for everytime you took a sword to them or use them to float off a cliff. The Cucco mainly uses it’s beak to attack it’s opponents and it can also summon a flock of smaller Cuccos to attack as well.
The Boss Pack DLC is due out on March 12th for $2.99 or as part of the game’s season pass which is priced at $20.