Humble Bundles are great, a handful of entertaining indies grouped together for a pay what you want price to help charities is a great system, it’s too bad console players don’t have this luxury.
Interesting enough, Wii U and 3DS owners will actually get the chance to experience these bundles with the first ever Console Humble Bundle, named the Humble Nindie Bundle. The bundle will work like any other humble bundle, allowing you to pay what you want for a group of games, beat the average or pay over a certain amount to secure other titles, allowing you to distribute your money between Humble, the various games’ developers, and charity.
The games listed on the bundle are varied from 3DS and Wii U. The list goes as follows:
Pay what you want (over $1)
- Guacamelee: Super Turbo Championship Edition (Wii U)
- Woah Dave (3DS)
- Mighty Switch Force (3DS)
Beat the Average (at the time of this writing is $9.20)
- The Fall (Wii U)
- OlliOlli (Wii U/3DS)
- Moon Chronicles (3DS)
- More to come
Pay over $10 to unlock
- Stealth Inc. 2 (Wii U)
- Steamworld Dig (Wii U/3DS)
The bundle will run for two weeks, by the end of the first week we’ll see more titles get dropped for those who beat the average.