Vanillaware’s Dungeon Crawler Beat’em Up is getting a massive update that will boost the maximum character level from 99, to 255. To compliment the additional 156 levels, a brand new Ultimate difficulty had been add for players once they cleared layer 9 of the Labyrinth of Chaos.
Not only is the Ultimate difficulty insanely hard, it also provides better rewards than the lower levels. In addition to the new mode, a massive dungeon has been added exclusive for the Ultimate difficulty called “The Tower of Mirages.” Each time you enter the tower the dungeon layout becomes random, which may be a problem for players as there are “tens of thousands of levels” to hack and slash through.
Vanillaware has also included a few stability fixes in this new update, along with a new feature that allows anyone who has completed the Story Mode to skip right past it when creating a new alternate character.