The Dragonball franchise is turning 30 this year, and to celebrate this major milestone, Namco Bandai is set to release the sequel to the highly successful 2015 release, Dragon Ball Xenoverse, a game that allowed every DragonBall fanboy/girl to live their dream and fight alongside Goku and the others through their famous battles.
Dragonball Xenoverse 2 is being developed by Japan based developer DIMPS, and promises to expand on the original game with the largest and most detailed Dragonball world yet.
“As the franchise is celebrating its 30th Anniversary, Dragon Ball games are a fan-favorite within BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment’s huge videogame portfolio and DRAGON BALL XENOVERSE 2 will surely build upon that illustrious legacy. The first DRAGON BALL XENOVERSE game was a massive success and allowed millions of players to fulfil one of their dreams: have their own avatar and character in the DRAGON BALL universe! With DRAGON BALL XENOVERSE 2, we’re working closely with the team at DIMPS to push this experience to new heights.” said Hervé Hoerdt, VP of Marketing & Digital at BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Europe.
Dragonball Xenoverse release later this year on PS4, PC and Xbox One, we’re expecting that we’ll hear more at E3 next month.