After the tragic events that happened on Monday April 23, 2018, where a man purposely drove a van into one of Toronto’s busiest streets killing 10 and leaving 15 injured. You can read more on the situation here.
UKIYO Publishing and developers Rocketcat Games have decided to postpone the release of Death Road to Canada on PS4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch. The game which is a randomly generated road-trip simulator where “You control and manage a car full of jerks as they explore cities, recruit weird people, argue with each other, and face gigantic swarms of slow zombies.” The game was previously released on PC with plenty of praise.
“We feel it would be deeply inappropriate to launch the game at such a time,” said Paul Hann, Managing Director of Ukiyo Publishing. “We would like to express our deepest condolences to everyone affected by the tragic events in Toronto.”
The game will released on consoles at a later date. Our hearts goes out to those affected by this tragedy.