The Darksiders series is known for changing things up for every iteration, the first was a Legend of Zelda set in the apocalypse adventure, while the sequel embraced a more open world Action RPG, with the third being inspired by the Dark Souls series. Each game adapted to the traits and offered an unique feel to each of the riders.
Darksiders Genesis will keep up with this tradition in the most drastic change of all, by becoming a top-down action adventure game with couch and online co-op for the first time ever. Genesis introduces the fourth and final horseman Strife, who is joined by his brother War, on their journey through hell and back, fighting angels, demons and everything else inbetween.
In solo, players will be able to swap between Strife – who uses a variety of ranged attacks – and War, who wrecks havoc with a deadly melee attacks. War’s inclusion as a playable character puts Darksiders Genesis as a prequel to the story which will explain the origins of the Seven Seals which is supposed to bring about the apocalypse and start the war between heaven and hell.
Those excited to play the game as soon as possible will want to grab the game for PC or Google gaming console/platform/service Stadia, as the game will release early on December 5th 2019, while all other consoles will have to wait till February 14th 2020 to get their hands on it.