This weekend, I’ve been kicking myself over one thing – why the hell did I pass up on Hades on the Nintendo Switch and PC. Why did I wait...
As much as I love the Resident Evil franchise as a whole, I have one major issue, and it’s the fact that the franchise never knows what it wants...
Marvel has taken the cinematic world by storm in a little less than 10 years giving us one of the biggest movie cross-overs ever with the Avengers. Of course,...
Before games like Dark Souls were the standard in being challenging and frustrating, we had Battletoads on the NES. Developed by Rare, the game was an extremely difficult brawler...
I’m not sure why I find it difficult to review Skater XL. I almost want to say simply because I don’t understand it, I mean surely a developer didn’t...
Capcom has been on a roll with bringing their old properties back from the dead – pun not intended – so much so that it feels like it was...
Despite the many attempts at adapting the Ghostbusters franchise into a game, I never thought the series would be good for a game. You’re mainly a pest control specialist...
Valfaris is developed by Steel Mantis and published by Big Sugar. Valfaris is a 2D action platformer created by the team from Slain: Back From Hell. Valfaris boasts...
While Call of Duty keeps attempting to recreate itself with each iteration to keep from becoming stale. The first time this happened we got what was possibly the best...
Let’s talk about relationships, specifically a loving one or one that you thought was a loving one. Are you still with that person, do you wish to see someone...
The Senran Kagura series is infamous enough that you should know what you’re getting into when you start the game. It’s going to involve busty ninjas who will likely...
Back on the Gameboy Advance, one game I could never put down was the Advance Wars series, it was a family friendly turn based strategy game from Nintendo that...
Rhythm games are a rare commodity in the gaming world now-a-days and it’s even rarer to find one that sticks with you even after the game is long done....
At one point in time, the Shoot’em Up genre was one of the hardest genre of games you’d be able to find in the arcade or home console. They...
From the start of the game, Aggelos is a glaring homage to classic action RPGs like The Adventures of Link: Legend of Zelda 2 and the Monster Boy series....
I have come to terms that there are two types of indie-games, ones that wants to tell a story and pull at your heartstrings, and others that are just...
When it comes to Visual Novels, it’s a hit or miss game for me. So when looking at Va-11 Hall-a: Cyberpunk Bartender Action from Sukeban Games when it came...
Forager is an idle game created by HopFrog and published by Humble Bundle. The game is a 2D gather and build. The goal is to buy all lands,...
First person dungeon crawlers were never really my forte. While a couple have caught my eye in the past, generally there wasn’t enough to keep my intrigue going to...
Moss Destruction is a twin stick shooter developed by Shotgun with Glitters. It has rogue-lite levels with a plethora of enemies. Staying longer on levels activates harder enemies...