There are a couple franchises that I really enjoy, one being Aliens, the other being Contra, (which if you look back at some of the Aliens you kill on Contra, you tend to notice some distinctions.)
That being said, it looks like the two franchises will be crossing paths in Aliens: Infestation, a Action Sidescroller by WayForward (otherwise known as the team that brought you Contra 4.) Infestation has been rated by the ESRB and clarified that the teen-rated title as an action game, in which “players run and jump through side-scrolling levels, they use rifles, pistols, flamethrowers, and explosives to kill enemy soldiers and aliens (i.e., ‘xenomorphs’).” There are also the obligatory scenes of chest bursting and some “briefly exposed” male buttocks in a locker room.
While there are a couple of things I would like to point out at this point, The producers of Aliens games, Sega, has not fully announced the game yet, however it seems it’s about to burst out of their ribcage soon, and that the game is rated T for Teen. Which is difficult to believe considering how violent the Aliens movies and games have been lately.